Abandon the sick

Abandonment of the sick today is one of the problems that most touch the heart. Every day in hospitals you can breathe the suffering of lost health which, at times, leads to make the sick feel marginalized, questioning their own identity. Every day you can breathe the fight against disease through medical treatment, but without forgetting the human side. The teddy bear in the photo led me to think about the human part of this fight. Being able to understand that even with patience and continuous support we can help. Leaving the sufferer alone would be like abandoning a child, so helpless, so sweet, a choice to take with him every day.

Reminder of a disease

“How many times have we stood by you, holding your hand while you were suffering? How many times have we shared the last laments, the last looks, the last few smiles full of hope? Now all this is gone.” How many questions, why. Today every memory, even the smallest, becomes an indispensable torment to go on. The sufferings of others also begin to be ours to understand how time becomes a precious gift, a wealth, we who can appreciate and live it. But is there really this awareness?

Attempted jailbreak.

However, most of us feel solidarity and admiration for the willpower and determination that a disabled person communicates. Unfortunately, this is done with feelings that oscillate between human participation and fear, making it difficult to build a relationship with people with disabilities. This is still seen by many as an obstacle because it does not allow for performance in a society where the culture of “doing” dominates.  It is demeaning to feel powerless and helpless in the face of everything and everyone

Eternal seconds

If you have occasionally visited hospitals, you will surely have realized how many patients are forced to see the same courtyard from the same window for a long time. It is the story of a lost freedom. When we are unable to act through a free choice everything around us becomes a long agony where time is only synonymous with eternal anguish, where there is an absence of Will and reason. The deprivation of Liberty, the slow flow of time, the expectation of the coming day, are a degenerative process that a simple thought, a simple visit can counteract. Let’s not leave them alone, beacause the abandonment of the sick or the elderly is the most vile disease that man can bear