Reportage photographic project, photographic restlessness brand artistic expression by Leonardo Lisi italian phographer

What is the artistic portfolio of “photographic restlessness”?

A picture is more than an image, a faithful transcription of truth. It is not just shapes and colors, a photo, to fulfill its task, must be able to tell a story, bring the observer to reflect, to feel internally something that impresses him.

In all photographs belonging to any genre we must pursue this narrative ambition, to tell, to disclose strongly, to scream what we are, captures us,  impresses us.

The artistic portfolio wants to represent my business card, who I am artistically.

This is why we want to create with attention and accuracy an updated portfolio, to enhance ourselves and our works over time, in the moods of the moment.

The gallery of a photographer represents the pure mirror of his moods, the naked being of the soul.

Photographic restlessness  want to show a simple structured collection of some works I have done to convey to everyone what are the images that catch my eye. want to show a simple structured collection of some works I have done to convey to everyone what are the images that catch my eye.

In the portfolio editorials instead, a series of stories and photographic reports on issues that disturb the Society of today, but also of tomorrow.

Themes in continuous development, such as the abandonment of the sick or the families that break down in the path of life, certainly harming the life of those who have no fault, that is, the children.

We try to bring the reader to the only reflection, which in his heart, will always be the best.

Photo editorials :